There’s no better time to start working on your Russian pronunciation skills than NOW

What do you think will happen if you don’t take action and work on your accent?

Imagine yourself speaking Russian in 3 weeks.

You’re having a conversation in Russian with your Russian friends, family, partner, or just someone you met out on the streets…

… do you feel comfortable opening your mouth and saying what you want to say in Russian?

Or are you afraid that they may not understand you because of your accent?

Or do you feel insecure because you just hate repeating yourself 3 times before they understand what you’re saying?

You may know plenty of vocabulary and grammar, but if you mispronounce just a couple of letters, pronunciation rules or stresses, native speakers will hear you’re a foreigner from miles away.

If you don’t take action today, your accent is just going to stay the way it is.

Pronunciation is a huge part of learning Russian, so it doesn’t make sense to postpone it.

What does make sense… is to spend a couple of weeks NOW working on your Russian pronunciation.

It’s a small commitment, but will give you huge results.

Just 15 minutes a day for a couple of weeks and you will:

  • Finally be able to say difficult letters, such as the щ, ы and the rolling р.
  • Have a clear grasp of all the pronunciation rules, like vowel reduction, hard and soft consonants, and voiced and voiceless consonants.
  • Have developed your intuition for the Russian language, so it becomes easier to get the stresses correct and speak faster with confidence.

Imagine what that can do in your life.

You’ll no longer be afraid to speak Russian with native speakers.

You’ll have the confidence to open your mouth and say what you want to say - without hesitation.

And you can finally be proud of yourself that you are mastering one of the most difficult languages on the planet.

That feeling when you meet a native speaker and they just cannot believe you’re a foreigner who’s learning Russian…

… is just incredible.

If you find it difficult to speak Russian without a foreign accent, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you.

It’s simply that you haven’t been shown the correct exercises, tricks and strategies you need.

The Pronunciation Accelerator Program helps you get rid of your foreign accent, so that native speakers won’t believe you’re not a native speaker.

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